East to Roslyn - KTM 950 S first ride

It was a dark and stormy night. Well.. more like a dark and stormy morning of working on bikes until.. 5:00am! Not exactly the way you want to start off your first ride on a beast a machine, a brand new one at that.
Regardless, I'm not one to give up to easy and after an hour of convincing I was able to get Colleen sold on the idea. No sooner was it 1/2 past noon as we were out the door heading east into the.... white abys? If only we knew...
Time was short so we made it a quick dash north to the city then out east 50 miles to Snoqualmine Pass and the ski resort (Summit Ridge).

It was a cool morning. The nighway information signs where showing the temp at 35F here (about 15 miles west of the pass). As we rode higher it dropped to 30F at the top and did not seem to get any warmer at all as we dropped down onto the easter platue.
With Seattle to the west and our desitnation to the east it wsa time to stop and check maps. It had not been since last spring that I was in Roslyn (an annual pilgramage it would seem) and my brain cells on 5 hours of sleep were not at all up to the task of recalling which road to take. We'd finally decided (primarily me) that the next exit was the one we wanted, when a local pulled up along side in his pickup truck with an incredulous look.
"Are you guys riding those things out here today?". Hm.. well.. no sir. We've just trailered them all the way out here, unloaded them, and hid the truck *just in case* someone comes along so we can pretend we are out for a Sunday ride. He was a nice enough guy and saved me some embarassment by saying it was the 2nd exit that we wanted (and he was right).

With that out of the way we rolled another block back down main street to the town's entrance and the 2nd most famous part of the town, The Brick. It was nice to get inside and have a warm meal. To my surprise the place was nearly full! All locals (save for us) since tourist season was still a couple months off. So.. it was the two of use, a few pretty drunk (loud) but happy seeming characters, and a lot of people going about normal life on a Sunday afternoon in the middle of nowhere.

It was getting late in the day, we have places still to go and people to meet so we bid the town goodbye. But not before we noticed (and how could you not) this rather large mural on the side of a home of.. Marlon Brando (I'm assuming from The Wild Ones?). If you know who that is supposed to be for sure.. let me know!.

The return ride promised to be a chilly but smooth ride back. With me in the lead we headed west into the setting sun. But we could not see the sun for the new clouds overhead. And in fact, it started to snow east of the pass. And then it started to snow harder. Finally it began to stick and I thought to myself. YES! This is the ride I came out here to have! But also I thought. YIKES! It's starting to look icey on the road and the highway information sign is telling me that it's below freezing. Press on though, we have places to go, and people to meet.
Once further west I let Colleen take over lead again and wind our way northwest to visit a friend on his last night of work and wish him well on the new job he was starting the next day.
Once it was all said and done it was a 400 mile day. Not too bad for a mid-winter ride over the pass to the edge of Eastern Washington. I completed my journey with a ride across the Tacoma Narrows bridge, an ill wind just starting to blow and more traffic than I expected on a Sunday. Regardless I made it home late, tired, out of fuel (myself and the bike) yet rejuvinated, at peace and fully enthralled with this new machine.

rats.. so. .what was the comment? :)
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