3 Days in California

Well, it's Sunday afternoon and the riding has been INCREDIBLE!!! I could write for days! However I will not since I'm in the middle of a busy internet cafe in downtown Napa. There are some wineries I want to visit before I head south on the final leg to Modesto.
Friday saw me leaving Salem early and riding I-5 into Yreka. Weather was getting warmer and warmer. This time I would not hit any snow on Hwy 3. I would also not hit ANY traffic! Zip, zero.. nada. All the way to Weaverville! I WAS FANTASTIC!
Hwy 3 really is one of the best riding highways. Technical in places, loose and open in others and the best part is nearly every foot of it's 100 mile run from Yreka toWeaverville is textbook book canyon carving.
Stayed the night in Weaverville (rented a room with a hot tub, it was SO nice to soak after a longday). Hit the local eattery (La Grande - Excellent!!!), then 'The New York' (their version of a night-club... interesting... really!) then it was back to the motel/hotel (I walked, it was nice out!) and some sleep.
Saturday was all curves. Hundres of miles of curves. Words cannot describe the incredible oddesy 'The Lost Coast' became with the heavy fog, weird people on the road... and the views.. OH THE VIEWS! And the road too. What I planned to take about 1 hour took more than 3, and I was not sand-bagging!
Hwy 36 out of Weaverville is just spectacular! Much better than 299 which is the alternatvie route I took back in April. 36 is just about one of the best roads.. when combined with Hwy 3 *AND* the Lost Coast all in one day.... it completely defies my skills to relate.
I took a lot of pictures on the way down, including a number of my signature self-portaits and on-road action shots. I don't have time to go into it all righ now so I'm just going to upload some of the pictures and let them speak for themselves... ah.. what a wonderful trip and it's just started!!

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