Thursday, July 13, 2006

Off to the MotoGP in Monterey, CA

Final prep for the MotoGP.

The time is upon me again to finalize departure plans for the MotoGP in California.

Bike saftey checked - CHECK
Bills paid to end of month - CHECK
Emergeny Contacts notified - Uh.. NOT YET
Bike packed - CHECK
Tickets purchased - CHECK & CHECK
New helmet - CHECK
Lodging arranged - SORTA

My plan for the last month was to depart tonight for Portland (arriving around midnight) then to Yreka by 2:00pm and Weaverville by 5:00pm Friday night to meet up with freinds. At this point I'm not sure that is going to happen. Work on my current project is slightly delayed, just enough that I will likely not be able to leave until tomorrow. This is me quite dissapointed.

However, this does mean that I will be able to travel with a lighter mind and really enjoy the two weeks on the road.

This time around I'm planning to post updates from the road instead of waiting to get home like I had to do last time. We'll see how that works out. When I get into full-travel mode it's unlikely that I'll want to stop to jot things down, I'll just want to RIDE.

Time (and this blog) will tell. I hope to read some interesting comments from visitors as the trip progresses, and if I can I'll upload some pics along the way. Maybe I'll see some of you on the road. If you see my big old KTM give a wave (honking the horn can be rather startling for a biker).

- OUT.


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